Lectura Comprensiva
Sitio para comentarios, dudas, etc. de la clase "Lectura Comprensiva" del primer año de Pedagogía en Inglés de la UNAP, 2006. Se acepta inglés y español, aunque se aprecia en inglés.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Sunday, July 09, 2006
The Mermaid Ballon

Bueno, esta era la restante.
Ups!!! I almost broke the rule of writing in English only. Well, there's not sucha rule but what the hec. I had forgotten to tell you that you have to write a letter to a person, just like the worksheet says. But don't worry, I know there's plenty to do with the tests already set, let along other subects. Take you time and write it when you have some time until the 22nd of July. This shall be the last text: don't expect ant other one.
Well, good luck with the intensive. Andtalking about the intensive, what do you think of writing down some hard-to-deal-with vocabulary words?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Uf.. holidays coming soon guys!!!
Well, good evening everybody.
I think some of you need to have the things clearer.
First of all, the intensive is written, and will be next Tuesday 11th of July. You have three options:
- Choose text nº1
- Choose text nº 2
- choose texts nº 3 and 4
I care about the vocabulary and general ideas. You know the way I like you to work: Write sentences in a clear way. In a way that I could know that you know the meaning of key words.
Next one is the 3rd written test (la tercera cátedra) on Wedensday 12th of July. It will be about 2 text only: "Energy Sense Makes the future sense" and "The Mermaid Balloon," which I am uploading to SIGA. I was going to include another one, but I think it's okay with these. You better learn 1 thing very well that 2 or three mediocrely.
Finally, we have the extensive reading, which is an interview. It's about one of the books (which were uploeaded, by the way) Tim Vicary's Sky Jack and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and yes, it's oral. On the days 18th, 19th and 21st of July. You have to choose one day.
These are the ones who have "booked" a date for the interview. Are you here? If not, e-mail me and let me know on what day you preffer to take it.
18th: Jenifer Aravire, Nicole Henriquez, Gerson Ocaranza, Cesar Serrano, Carla Varas, and Zunilda Zuleta.
19th: Alicia Campillay, Daphne Fernandez, Casandra Gaete, Nicole Galvez, Andrés Klaric, Liseth Olmedo, Romina Rojas, Sebastián Salinas, Marcela Torp, Mario Ugarte, Luis Zarate, and Karen Charlín.
21st: Milena Carrasco, Juan Contreras, Milena Egaña, Geraldile Galvez, Jorge Ponce, Gabriel Hernandez, y Karol Zúñiga.
I think some of you need to have the things clearer.
First of all, the intensive is written, and will be next Tuesday 11th of July. You have three options:
- Choose text nº1
- Choose text nº 2
- choose texts nº 3 and 4
I care about the vocabulary and general ideas. You know the way I like you to work: Write sentences in a clear way. In a way that I could know that you know the meaning of key words.
Next one is the 3rd written test (la tercera cátedra) on Wedensday 12th of July. It will be about 2 text only: "Energy Sense Makes the future sense" and "The Mermaid Balloon," which I am uploading to SIGA. I was going to include another one, but I think it's okay with these. You better learn 1 thing very well that 2 or three mediocrely.
Finally, we have the extensive reading, which is an interview. It's about one of the books (which were uploeaded, by the way) Tim Vicary's Sky Jack and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, and yes, it's oral. On the days 18th, 19th and 21st of July. You have to choose one day.
These are the ones who have "booked" a date for the interview. Are you here? If not, e-mail me and let me know on what day you preffer to take it.
18th: Jenifer Aravire, Nicole Henriquez, Gerson Ocaranza, Cesar Serrano, Carla Varas, and Zunilda Zuleta.
19th: Alicia Campillay, Daphne Fernandez, Casandra Gaete, Nicole Galvez, Andrés Klaric, Liseth Olmedo, Romina Rojas, Sebastián Salinas, Marcela Torp, Mario Ugarte, Luis Zarate, and Karen Charlín.
21st: Milena Carrasco, Juan Contreras, Milena Egaña, Geraldile Galvez, Jorge Ponce, Gabriel Hernandez, y Karol Zúñiga.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Intensive and Extensive Readings
There are news guys.
All the exams of the subject will be scheduled once the evaluation period have finished (22nd of July). That means we can have classes until the seventh of July and--after that--take 3rd test, extensive and intensive respectively.
Well, for further information you can check the website of the university and download the new calendar. That way you'll be able to organize your time better.
I have plans of giving you a new text this Wednesday so that everyone has it for the last week of classes (days 4th, 5th and 7th.)
It's been quite a nice experience teaching you this term.
Ups! I almost forgot to tell you that Skyjack is available.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Intensive and Extensive Readings
Well, if you go to the SIGA you can see the links to the material I've uploaded. Well, that's right, you're here already... Here you have then:
Frankenstein: http://papelito.sky.prohosting.com/frankenstein/frankenstein.htm
And also here: http://teacherjuan.freewebpage.org/frankenstein/frankenstein.htm

That's it. If you have any trouble downloading them I can send them to your mail boxes. Anyways I'll try and leave printed copies at the copy centre in front of the Education Depatment.
We'll talk about dates in class tomorrow.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Some news.
Well guys, I hope we can soon have classes. For the reasons everybody knows we haven't had any classes. Let's hope everything comes to a happy end.
Well, let's get on...
Next test (the 2nd one) was going to be on the 6th of June (next Tuesday). I think we need, at least, a class more before taking it, don't we. It's vocabulary, but it also implies expresions of ideas in good sentences, so I need to have a sort of wrap up class to move on. Then we can have the test.