Lectura Comprensiva

Sitio para comentarios, dudas, etc. de la clase "Lectura Comprensiva" del primer año de Pedagogía en Inglés de la UNAP, 2006. Se acepta inglés y español, aunque se aprecia en inglés.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Customs on Invitations in Britain

1 Presents If you are invited to someone's home to have a meal it is usual to take some flowers or a box of chocolates. It is not usual to take a bottle of wine unless you know your host well. Although flowers and chocolates are quite acceptable it would be very nice if you could take something from your country. It is different if you are invited to a party, and it also depends on what kind of party it is. Many parties these days are "bring a bottle" parties. Unless your host is very rich then a bottle of wine is always welcome if it is a big party of, say, 30 or more people. Ask whether or not you should bring a bottle when you are invited if you aren't sure. Say something like, "Can I bring a bottle?" And your host will tell you what to do.

2 Dress If you aren't sure what you should wear then ask your host or your friends. Usually dress is informal and individual in
Britain for parties, and for invitations to dinner in people's homes. If you are going to an expensive restaurant the men may have to wear a jacket and tie, jeans wouldn't be allowed.

3 Punctuality If you are invited to dinner at someone's home you shouldn't arrive earlier than the time given and you shouldn't arrive more than about 15 minutes late. If you are going to be late, telephone and let your host know so that the meal can be delayed. Dinner is usually served between
8 pm and 9 pm. Very often guests are invited to arrive earlier than this so that they can have a drink and be introduced to the other guests.

4 Introducing yourself If you are at a party you can go to another person and introduce yourself. "Hello, my name is.... Are you a friend of...?" You don't have to wait to be introduced. And, by the way, at parties we assume that everyone will talk to a lot of people. It is quite normal for someone to have a short conversation with you and then go on to talk to other people! Don't think they dislike you or that they are impolite! It is the custom at many parties in
Britain, particularly where people are standing up rather than sitting down. Here are two ways of finishing a conversation at a party: "Excuse me. I think I'll go and get another drink. See you later, perhaps?" Oh, excuse me. I've just seen Mary Jennings over there. I've got to discuss a meeting we are having on Thursday. Would you excuse me for a moment?"

5 How long should you stay? Watch other guests! But if you are the only guest, leave before
midnight if it is a weekday evening and if you or your host must work the next day. If the conversation is really full of life at mid-night and you would like to stay longer, say, "What time do you usually go to bed?" And then your host can say whether they would like to finish the evening. Bigger parties are usually held at weekend and often go on until 2 AM or even later.

Comprehension Exercise

1.Which of the following presents might be the best if you are invited to have a meal at someone's home?

A. A bunch of flowers.

B. A box of biscuits.

C. A bottle of beer.

D. A tin of tea taken from your own country.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. It is customary for guests to be empty-handed when they come to a dinner party.

B. It is normal for guests to ask their hosts for advice as to what presents to bring when they come to a dinner party.

C. It is necessary for guests to bring a bottle of wine when they come to a dinner party.

D. It is customary for guests to bring some very precious presents when they come to a dinner party.

3.If you are going to a dinner party at someone's home, you ______.

A. can wear whatever you like

B. should be dressed informally

C. should be dressed formally

D. should be dressed as your hosts have told you to

4.If you are invited to a dinner party taking place in a fancy restaurant, you should be ______.

A. formally dressed

B. casually dressed

C. informally dressed

D. individually dressed

5.If the dinner party you are going to is said to take place at 8:30, what time might be best for your arrival?

A. 8:25.

B. 8:20.

C. 8:35.

D. 8:50.

6.What does a guest usually do first when he arrives?

A. He usually goes to the table to start the dinner.

B. He usually takes a drink and is introduced to other guests if there are.

C. He usually takes a shower before the dinner starts.

D. He usually has a long talk with the hosts.

7.Which of the following statements is true?

A. It is acceptable for guests to introduce themselves to someone else at a party.

B. It is unacceptable for guests to introduce themselves to someone else at a party.

C. Guests should wait to be introduced to other guests.

D. Guests should not wait to be introduced to other guests.

8.At a party, if someone just has a short talk with you and stops to move to someone else, this shows that ______.

A. he does not like you any more

B. he is a very rude person

C. his interest changes

D. it is quite normal at parties

9.The sentence "The conversation is really full of life…," probably means the talk is ______.

A. interesting

B. boring

C. about people's life

D. coming to an end

10.The question "What time do you usually go to bed?" is asked to imply that the guest really wants to ______.

A. know what time the host usually goes to bed

B. decide what time he should leave

C. decide what time he finishes the conversation

D. decide what time he continues the conversation

Match the two parts of the sentence to complete the idea.

1. It is usual to take some chocolate or flowers…

2. Ask your host or your friends…

3. You can go to another person and introduce yourself…

4. You shouldn’t arrive earlier or 15 minutes later that the time given…

5. Men have to wear a jacket and a tie.

_____ …if you aren’t sure what you should wear.

_____ …if you are invited to a dinner at someone’s home.

_____ …if you are invited to someone’s home to have a meal.

_____ …if you are at a party.

_____ …if you are the only guest and if it is a weekday and if your host must work the next day.

_____ …if you are going to an expensive restaurant.

Do you like parties? What’s the most memorable party you’ve had? Write a paragraph telling your experience.


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